Newsletter and Website Text

Contest Brief

About the project (aprox.200-300 words):

We need to encourage users to invite their friends to earn "turbo credits". So it works like this:

-Users earn one "Turbo Credit" for each invited friend who joins Lemoney and makes a qualifying purchase ($25+ purchase, excludes travel)
-Each friend who joins the site also earns one "turbo credit" when he signs up

You can find more information about "turbo credits" here:
What you need you to do is write 3 different texts encouraging users to invite their friends for 2 different pages on our website and a newsletter. You only need to write the copy, no design needed.

1-Write the text for our newsletter encouraging users to invite their friends (See example attached)

2-Write the text for the page where users invite their friends. The text is meant to encourage users to invite their friends. The text will be posted here:

3-Write an improved version of this text: "Earn 1 credit for each friend who joins and makes a qualifying purchase*! They also get 1 credit!". It will be posted on this page:

The texts should be compelling and encourage users to invite their friends. Please do not use the word "referral".

Right now we are offering a promotion that rewards users with 3 credits for each invited friend, but for this specific project please focus on only one credit as a reward.

About the company:

Lemoney is a cashback site with over 1800+ stores. Lemoney’s major differential is the opportunity to shop with Turbo Cashback. By shopping with Turbo Cashback, users boost their cashback rate and earn more than the regular rate. Up to 5 turbo credits may be applied to each purchase. More information about turbo cashback:

To earn each turbo credit, users may invite their friends, shop at specific stores, or sign up for the website.

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